


We assess thermal bridges using 2D and 3D software, as required, which has been fully validated in accordance with ISO 10211, in order to achieve minimum heat loss at junctions and guarantee zero risk of mould growth and surface condensation.

Thermal bridge assessment allows you to benefit from the quality of your designs rather than having to account elsewhere in your specification, and therefore costs, for the use of default values.

What does the analysis & report look like?

We can provide linear thermal bridge (psi-value) calculations, point thermal bridge (chi-value) calculations, as well as mould growth risk assessment (fRsi-value).

Your report is generated in accordance with the exacting standards of ISO 10211 & BRE document BR497. Your report will illustrate the heat flow pattern, isothermal pattern, finite element network mesh and construction detail. It will outline the U-values of all elements, total heat flow, psi-value, chi-value, fRsi-value (as applicable), and all material and boundary condition data.

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